Film Good Do Good


The latest from the New York State Commission on National and Community Service.

What's Getting Done Our Latest Issue

"What's Getting Done" Newsletter Archive
Click below to review previous issues of "What's Getting Done" dating back to 2023.

The Commission hosts two annual events in order to best support AmeriCorps programs in New York State: virtual Program Development Trainings, a series which takes place during the summer; and the Professional Development Conference, an in-person event spanning several days in the winter.


Our next event


Occasionally the Commission will host convenings in order to organize and inspire service efforts in a particular field, inviting stakeholders from across the state to attend and participate.



Our Next Convening

Days of Service

Two National Days of Service inspire thousands of individuals and organizations across the country to make volunteering part of their lives: September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance; and Martin Luther King, Jr., National Day of Service.


More on Days of Service

Commission Meetings
Click below for an archive of recent public Commission meeting agendas and approved meeting minutes, as well as the designated locations and dates of upcoming meetings once they are scheduled.